Thursday, June 23, 2011


At a recent training at my church, the speaker talked about the concept of W.A.I.T. Picture a big stop sign in your head and ask:


I talk all the time! And sometimes I call my hubby or my mom or my sister or my best friend and then realize I don't even have a good reason to call. Why Am I Talking? Is what I have to say really that important? Or am I calling them because I'm bored and uncomfortable with the silence (ding ding ding).

So, I'm now trying to apply the WAIT principle to my life and, hopefully, I'll be able to become a much better listener in doing so. I'm hoping I'll be able to really hear my children's concerns and let them find their own words for how they are feeling instead of me filling in the blanks for them with my words. Most importantly, I'm hoping that in the quiet times when I'm not babbling, I can hear what God is telling me to do or say and that I follow His lead instead of always trying to be the leader.

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